Coach’s Corner – Jen Murphy

I was sitting around the other day, thinking about my “new normal” amidst a pandemic.  In an atmosphere where it is easy to succumb to feelings of fear, loneliness, panic & “when will this end”,  I realized I was actually doing alright. I thought to myself: “why...

RoFA Athlete Highlight – Scott Schofield

My name is Scott Schofield, I’m the owner and frame builder at Indigo Custom Bicycles in Crested Butte, Colorado. I specialize in designing and building awesome custom road and gravel bikes. I’m finding more people are gravitating to gravel riding and it’s the most...

RoFA Athlete Highlight – Erin Shepherd

I finally finished my undergraduate degree at the University of Tulsa at the age 34, after years spent as a young military wife, raising my daughters. One of my classrooms has a large mirror on the wall, and I happened to turn my head. I saw myself, really saw myself...